by DEv-momoh
Weather Forecast UK is the simple yet effective UK weather app that you have been waiting for while...
Weather Forecast UK is the simple yet effective UK weather app that you have been waiting for while getting fed up of trying the countless other weather apps out there.Weather Forecast UK retrieves a five-day weather forecast for more than 6,000 UK places directly from the official weather information provider in the United Kingdom, the Met Office, and shows it on screen with no interpretations or modifications in a quick, clean and direct way.
The weather forecast provided will show you information about the temperature, ‘feels like’ temperature, weather type, precipitation probability, humidity, wind speed, wind gust speed and wind direction. It also shows the sunrise and sunset times for the current day.
Weather Forecast UK offers a map view where you can check graphically cloud coverage, rainfall, temperature and pressure for the next 36 hours in three-hour intervals. You can scroll right and left to see how the sky will be in the next few hours so you know whether you’ll be lucky enough to have that barbecue or whether you should turn on the oven instead. The map view also covers and shows information for the whole of Ireland.
You can store your most-viewed places in the My Places list to access them quickly.
Weather Forecast UK retrieves automatically your position. It supports both portrait and landscape modes and supports small, big phones as well as tablets.
If you find the weather forecast inaccurate, blame the Met Office! MeteoUK does not modify the data coming from its Met Office DataPoint servers in any way.
Weather Forecast UK uses seven Android permissions. You can see them at installation time or on the Apps Settings section.
The author of Weather Forecast UK does not have any relation with the Met Office beyond the use allowed by the terms and conditions of the DataPoint service.
Weather Forecast UK does not use any kind of user tracking tool nor store or track on devices or on-line your position or the places you type and view.
Features:* Five day detailed forecast in 1 hour time intervals (3 hours for longer term forecasts)* Forecast radar maps for rainfall, temperature, cloud cover and combined cloud and rain (*)* 15 minute observation radar maps for rainfall, satellite (IR, visible and IR/rainfall), lightning and sea surface temperature (*)* Severe weather warnings integrated into application and widgets* Charts and graphs to visualize your weather data* Overview of mountain area risk (detail available in paid version)* Fully customisable units on all data. Choose exactly how you want each unit to display.* Surface pressure chart stretching from mid-Atlantic to Eastern Europe* Home screen widgets available in 2 different sizes (*)* Fast easy switching between multiple locations with recent location history* Sunrise and sunset times* Configurable display of data - show only what you want* Latest observation data from official Met Office observation locations* Textual forecast for up to 30 days* Move to SD Card option* Optimized for tablets and all devices in vertical or horizontal orientation
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